
Jolene & Sarah

Meet Jolene and Sarah, the creators of The Three Mutts. Sisters and BFF’s, these two girls do everything together! Jolene has a gift for drawing; Sarah has a gift for baking; both love to think and plan and create. Their 3 dogs are the loves of the lives, and they enjoy spending time cuddling them at home and taking them for beach walks. Sarah and Jo decided to create The Three Mutts as a way to share their love of dogs (specifically, mutts) by creating meaningful gifts that both dog and owner can appreciate.


Their first dog; the O.G. Donna is part Australian Shepard, part American Eskimo. She has the softest fur imaginable, and the most gentle spirit. Donna was adopted in October 2015, when she was supposedly about 5 years old. She lives for her daily walks (especially on the beach) and treats. She is such a good girl.

***Donna crossed the Rainbow Bridge on October 5th, at the approximate age of 13. Our family is not the same without her, but we thank God for the 8 amazing years we had her in our lives!***


Adopted in March 2019, at approximately 2 years old, Wally is sweet and “quirky”. He loves to cuddle and will often try to sneak onto the couch (although Mom says no!).  He is scared of any unusual noise, and sometimes even a box that may be in his walkway. He may choose to turn back for home even after being just a block into his walk. And when he wants to turn back, there’s no stopping him (much to Donna’s dismay, who could walk for hours!).  He’s the ultimate mutt - a “junkyard mix - which means he’s extra cute.


Aka “Shy Bry”, this super handsome fella has quite the story behind his adoption! Adopted in January 2022, Brian got loose just an hour after coming home and meeting the family. He was almost a mile away, chased for hours and hours, and somehow found his way back home! However he was so scared he kept running - for 5 days. Jolene & Sarah’s family tracked and followed him, enlisting the help of a professional dog trapper. It was a stressful week, with a winter storm and many sleepless nights….but also with many helpful friends and a miracle  from God: On the 6th day, Brian finally took the “bait” in the live trap set on their driveway, and was home safe and sound. Though his start in the family was unpredictable, he has been the most well-behaved, sweet dog.